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How To Wear Your Stethoscope For Use

Posted by on Aug 3rd 2016

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear at is: How do I wear my new stethoscope?

As always we are here to both help you find the best stethoscope and diagnostic equipment to fulfill your needs as well as ensure you achieve the highest level of performance from your instruments. Being Back to School Shopping season for medical, nursing and other healthcare professions, we want to offer this additional guidance to our first time and experienced purchasers alike.

The simple answer is to position the eartips such that they fill the ear canal allowing for an uninterrupted sound pathway. You may notice your particular stethoscope has angled binaurals designed for a more comfortable fit. Many Littmann and ADC stethoscopes feature this type of innovative design. If that is the case, be sure to point your eartips forward towards the bridge of your nose before your insert them into your ears. This is demonstrated in the image provided by our partners at ADC.

Please note your particular stethoscope model may have additional instructions included with its packaging. Be sure to consult this document as well.