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Can your heart get too much exercise?

Can your heart get too much exercise?

Posted by on Dec 4th 2019

For decades, doctors and scientists have touted the importance of exercise for everyone at any age. Moving the body simply keeps it healthy. However, there have been recent studies suggesting that there can be too much exercise in a person's life. Explore the details surrounding exercise and heart health for a better workout tomorrow.

Exploring Maximum Times

U.S. News & World Report discusses how athletes who exercise more than 60 minutes per session can show signs of blood-vessel hardening and other factors. These test subjects are actually showing negative signs of too much exercise. Assuming they exercise five days a week at a minimum of 60 minutes each time, a total of 300 minutes is dedicated to moderate to intense activity.

Recent studies suggest that this upper level of working out is just too much for the cardiovascular system.

Negative Impacts on the Heart

Aside from hardened arteries, people who exercise too much have other issues. Plaque buildup within the blood vessels was seen in test subjects who exercised excessively, reports WebMD. A higher mortality rate is also associated with too much strain on the cardiovascular system.

Irregular heartbeats and tissue damage are possible with too much exercise. The goal is to put some strain on the heart to build its strength but not to wear it out entirely.

Sticking to Scientific Recommendations

To avoid issues with too much exercise, maintaining a workout level at the current recommendations is best. Strive for 150 minutes of exercise each week. This time can be divided out into short or long sessions. However, keep the length of each session to less than one hour every time.

Benefits to the Heart

Healthy exercising leads to a strong heart. The body acclimates to the workout intensities, which allows the heart and lungs to use oxygen more efficiently, reports Johns Hopkins University . Your cholesterol and blood pressure may drop down too. These readings are directly related to heart health, especially as you age.

As oxygen moves across your body, the heart doesn't have to work so hard to keep the blood flowing. By carefully stressing the heart, it gains more tissue to improve its strength. It doesn't work at peak levels during rest, which prolongs your lifespan.

Listening to the Body

A clever way to know if exercising is just too much is by paying careful attention to your body during the session. You should never feel worn out or out of breath. The breathing might be labored, but it's under control.

That "stitch in the side" sensation isn't supposed to occur with careful exercise. Avoid overexertion by slowing down or reducing the session's length. Your heart health will improve with moderate intensity, including walking. Your body will tell you if it's had enough intense exercise.